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Category Archives: E-commerce Solutions

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Automating Financial Processes & Enhancing Efficiency Ezone Finance

In today’s fast-paced financial landscape, Microfinance Banks (MFBs) face increasing pressure to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency. Manual financial processes, often prone to errors and delays, can hinder growth and impact profitability. This blog post explores the critical need for automation in MFB

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How to Grow your Business Using Tech

In the last post, we saw how to scale your business. You can read that here.In today’s article, we will be discussing how to grow your business using tech. That is, how to bring in new customers and increase revenue in your business using tech

Scaling Small Businesses using Technology

A lot of small business owners are concerned with growth. All they want is an increased workload to show that they are working, increased revenue, and maybe a good LinkedIn recognition. In the quest to achieve the above, they end up burning energy and being

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How Technology has improved Commerce

Business itself responds to human problems by offering solutions in exchange for value, mostly money. But although businesses solve problems, they are not spared by problems. What makes a business successful is its ability to solve human problems and as well solve the problems that

Challenges Organizations are facing from Working Remotely

May 2020, Twitter, Facebook, and Square announced that their staff members would be working from home. With Twitter announcing that their staff will have the “work from home forever option.” So many people expected the announcement, but no one anticipated the “forever option.” Although remote

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